Tuesday, July 8, 2008

10---Updated 6/6/09

Had alot more classmates check in this week. That leaves us with these 10:

Bixby, Travis
Black, Karena Elizabeth
Blanco, George
Boggs, Jason A
Boldy, Carol Rose
Bour, Singkoy
Bradford, Rosalind E
Braun, Jennifer Lee
Bresulla, Shirley Mary
Brewer, Kelly Jean

A few of these I never thought would be able to hide....go figure.
If you know where they are, or even a general location...drop us a line, leave us a comment OR better yet....have them contact us.


Anonymous said...

Travis Bixby: http://www.classmates.com/profile/user/view?registrationId=8684541148

Kelly Brewer: http://www.classmates.com/profile/user/view?registrationId=7606705851

I used to have her myspace page, but no more.

Reunion committee said...

thanks russ. I need to pay in order send them an email they can read. I can send them all emails til I am blue in the face but unless one of us has paid, the email cant be read. After I tackle the lists, I will need to reup with them